an important factor in the making of a significant decision.
At last I recognized that I could never eliminate my TV desires. I enjoyed too much the female attire and the life connected with my desires. The only thing to do was to determine to live with
this "thing" called transvestism--not fight it.
Having finally faced the problem honestly, and having placed a budgetary ceiling on expenditures, I settled back to gain as much enjoyment for my feminine side as my more conventional male life would allow. I slowly have built a wardrobe which is of the greatest pleasure to me. As mentioned earlier I selected my name "Marilyn". I have read as much as possible on the sub- ject to develop my own understanding. I have met and correspond- ed with a number of TV friends all of whom have been very nice to know.
During the past couple of years, much attention has been given to makeup techniques. Before that I had been satisfied with simply feminine attire with, standard makeup. In particular, I had paid little attention to the eyebrows. Now, I give much care to this area of the face. I pluck my brows to the extent possible and then arch them even more when making up. What a difference it makes.
I am grateful too, to Susanna and her friends who suggested a real light makeup base that assists in removing the otherwise light shadow of beard. How I envy the light bearded TV. How- ever, artful makeup goes a long way to even the advantage.
Weight is important. Although I am slightly over 6 feet tall, I have managed to keep my weight down to approximately 150 pounds. This is of course underweight for the male, but assists materially in creating a feminine figure. A size 16 dress fits well. Some size 14's and 15's will also feel and look fine. A Merry Widow or some form of waist cinch assists in dev- eloping the figure at the waist line. Like most girls who take pride in their appearance, much work, time and effort goes into its creation and its retention. However, the results one may achieve are indeed worth it all.
The future? Like many TV's I am still looking for the understanding girl as a mate for marriage. It is certainly heartening to learn that there are now a good many successful